LJU4802 conclusion__towards_a_more_ethical_profession
LJU4802 Conscience against the law
LJU4802 conscience_against_the_law
LJU4802 de_rebus_1981_-_du_plessis_ideal_legal_practitioner
LJU4802 does a lawyers character matter
LJU4802 does_a_lawyer’s_character_matter
LJU4802 Fine v Society of Advocates of South Africa (WD) 1983 (4) SA 488 (A)
LJU4802 full_judgment_-_prince_v_president,_cape_law_society_&_others_2002_
LJU4802 Incorporated Law Society Transvaal v Mandela 1954 (3) 102 (T)
LJU4802 incorporated_law_society,_transvaal_v_mandela
LJU4802 Lawyers as professionals_some moral issues
LJU4802 lawyers_as_professionals
LJU4802 legal_ethics_short_q’s
LJU4802 my_personal_ethics_notes
LJU4802 Natal Law Society v Mqubela 1986 (3) SA 849 (N)
LJU4802 natal_law_society_v_maqubela
LJU4802 Prince v President of the Law Society, Cape of Good Hope 1998 (8) BCLR 976 (C)
LJU4802 Prince v President, Cape Law Society 2002 (4) SA 794 (KH)
LJU4802 prince_v_the_president_of_the_law_society_&_others_2002_-_explanatory_note
LJU4802 Professional Ethics Tutorial 101_2018_3_e
LJU4802 rice_v_society_of_advocates
LJU4802 Society of Advocates and the Natal Law Society v Merret 1997 (4) SA 374 (N)
LJU4802 Society of Advocates of South Africa (Witwatersrand Division) v Fischer 1966 (1) SA 133 (T)
LJU4802 society_of_advocates_of_natal_v_merret
LJU4802 summaries,_power_points,_case_notes_3
LJU4802 summaries_and_powerpoints_4
LJU4802 summary_of_dvd_broadcast_2_aug_2010_97_format
LJU4802 summary_of_the_dvd_released_by_unisa
LJU4802 Swain v Society of Advocates, Natal 1973 (4) SA 784 (A)
LJU4802 swain_v_society_of_advocates,_natal
LJU4802 The ideal legal practitioner (from an academic angle)
LJU4802 The usefulness of Good Moral Character
LJU4802 the_ideal_legal_practitioner
LJU4802 the_usefulness_of_good_moral_character
LJU4802 Towards a more ethical profession
LJU4802 why_professional_ethics_in_the_legal_profession
Question Paper May-June 2018 -LJU480
Tutorial 101_2018 – Professional Ethics